2 # Dual-Polarity GRAPPA (DPG) demo
4 This collection of Matlab code and data presents one implementation of the method described in
5 "Dual-Polarity GRAPPA for simultaneous reconstruction and ghost correction of EPI data."
6 _Magn Reson Med_. 76(1):32-44, Jul 2016.
7 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.25839
12 EPI gradient-echo BOLD data
15 - 32 Channel Head coil
18 - Echo Spacing 770usec
19 - 2.0mm isotropic resolution
23 - 32 slices, 2mm thick
26 collected on 2015-05-18, data file MID902
30 data/dpg_acs1.nd ACS data, with the first readout acquired using RO+
31 data/dpg_acs2.nd ACS data, with the first readout acquired using RO-
32 data/dpg_C.nd The PLACE ACS image, formed from a combination of dpg_acs1 and dpg_acs2
34 data/dpg_k.nd one frame of R=2 EPI data
35 data/dpg_k_pcref.nd navigator data for dpg_k, to perform traditional Nyquist ghost correction
36 data/y.nd NGC coefficients, derived from dpg_k_pcref and used with phzapply.m
37 data/y_acs2.nd NGC coefficients, derived from A and B and used with phzapply.m
39 dpg_cal.m the DPG calibration code
40 dpg_recon.m the DPG reconstruction code
41 phzshift.m calculates the coordinate shift between two k-space data sets using SIEPCM
42 phzapply.m a script to apply standard Nyquist ghost correction coefficients
43 fif.m a 2D FFT macro script
44 ifi.m a 2D FFT macro script
45 readnd.m script to read the .nd data files
47 runthis.m the main demo script
48 runthis2.m an alternate demo script (w/o GESTE/PLACE acs data)