descriptionDemo code for the SIE-PCM method to identify translations between two images
last changeMon, 30 Jan 2023 00:00:26 +0000 (19:00 -0500)

Subspace Identification Extension to the Phase Correlation Method (SIE-PCM) demo

This short bit of Matlab code was the original implementation of the method described in ``A subspace identification extension to the phase correlation method,'' IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 22(2):277-280, Feb. 2003.

Images from the original 5 test frame data are included as well.

File List

run_example.m - start here
siepcm.m      - a function to estimate the row and column translation between two images

The images are from 5 different MRI acquisition of a grapefruit, with the grapefruit at different locations within the field-of-view. In the table below, the coordinates of one corner of the field of view are given.

 Image File | Source file |  dim1 loc    | dim2 loc
 img1.png   | P64512.7    | y = 8.30 cm  | z= 2.00 cm
 img2.png   | P00000.7    | y = 8.15 cm  | z= 2.25 cm
 img3.png   | P00512.7    | y = 8.00 cm  | z= 2.50 cm
 img4.png   | P01024.7    | y = 7.85 cm  | z= 2.27 cm
 img5.png   | P01536.7    | y = 7.85 cm  | z= 2.75 cm

To determine the expected translational shift between the images, use the difference between the coordinates divided by the distance per pixel.

                 dy = (y2 - y1) / n  where n=0.0625

The original data was acquired on a GE Signa Lx 1.5T MR Scanner using the following parameters: TR: 500 TE: 15 protocol: FSE coil: HEAD

FOV length : Image Size :: 160mm : 256 pixels; => 0.0625 mm/pixel

compare images 1 and 2. S: -2.5 mm, A: 1.5 mm expect z = -4.0000, y = +2.4000

compare images 1 and 3. S: -5 mm, A: 3 mm expect z = -8.0000, y = +4.8000

compare images 1 and 4. S: -2.7 mm, A: 4.5 mm expect z = -4.3200, y = +7.2000

compare images 1 and 5. S: -7.5 mm, A: 4.5 mm expect z = -12.0000, y = +7.2000

compare images 2 and 3. S: -2.5 mm, A: 1.5 mm expect z = -4.0000, y = +2.4000

compare images 2 and 4. S: -0.2 mm, A: 3 mm expect z = -0.3200, y = +4.8000

compare images 2 and 5. S: -5 mm, A: 3 mm expect z = -8.0000, y = +4.8000

compare images 3 and 4. S: 2.3 mm, A: 1.5 mm expect z = +3.6800, y = +2.4000

compare images 3 and 5. S: -2.5 mm, A: 1.5 mm expect z = -4.0000, y = +2.4000

compare images 4 and 5. S: -4.8 mm, A: 0 mm expect z = -7.6800, y = +0.0000

Copyright 2003, W. Scott Hoge (wsh032580 at proton dot me)

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2023-01-30 WSHogeSIE-PCM demo from 2003 master
2 years ago master