+function [F,I,N] = dpg_cal( varargin );
+% [F,I,N ] = dpg_cal( Wk, Sk, Y, [opt args]);
+% opt args:
+% 'v', {0,1} - verbosity off/on
+% 'kernel', string - grappa kernel size, x by y. e.g. '2x5', '4x1'
+% 'N', (xy)-by-num_patterns-L matrix - grappa reconstruction parameters
+% 'acs', array of indices - index locations to use for ACS lines
+% This implementation is derived from
+% "Generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions"
+% by M. A. Griswold, P. M. Jakob, et. al..
+% Mag. Reson. Med, 47(6):1202-1210, Jun 2002
+% Copyright 2004-2016 W. Scott Hoge (wsh032580 at proton dot me)
+% Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
+% (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+% GRAPPA: data from all coils used to patch data in one coil
+% coil 1 o * o * a * o *
+% coil 2 o * o * a * o *
+% coil 3 o * o * a * o *
+% coil 4 o * o * x * o *
+% *: acquired line, o: unacquired line, a: auto-callibration line
+% x: reconstructed line
+% S_j (k_y - m\Delta k_y ) = \sum_{l=1}^L \sum_{b=0}^{N_b-1}
+% n(j,b,l,m) S_l(k_y - b A \Delta k_y)
+Wk = varargin{1};
+kin = varargin{2};
+Y = varargin{3};
+acs = []; N = []; verbose=0; kernel = '2x5'; dks = []; prnt = 0;
+eta = 1.0;
+chi = 0.0001;
+vararg = varargin(4:end);
+for cnt=1:2:length(vararg),
+ if strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'v' ),
+ verbose = cell2mat(vararg(cnt+1));
+ elseif strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'N' ),
+ N = vararg{cnt+1};
+ elseif strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'dks' ),
+ dks = vararg{cnt+1};
+ elseif strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'kernel' ),
+ kernel = vararg{cnt+1};
+ elseif strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'acs' ),
+ acs = vararg{cnt+1};
+ elseif (strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'report' ) || strcmp( vararg{cnt}, 'r' )),
+ prnt = vararg{cnt+1};
+ end;
+if length(size(Wk)) == 3,
+ [Wm,Wn,ncoils] = size(Wk);
+ Wm = Wk(1); Wn = Wk(2); ncoils = Wk(3);
+%% zero-pad the k-space data
+Sk = zeros( Wm, Wn, ncoils );
+if iscell(kin)
+ dualks = 1;
+ s = kin{3};
+ dualks = 0;
+ s = kin; clear kin;
+Sk(Y,:,:) = s;
+rptupd(prnt,['* ' mfilename ': kernel size = ' kernel '\n']);
+d = diff(Y(:));
+if ( isempty(acs) ),
+ prfl = max( sum(abs( Sk(:,:,:)),3).' );
+ if length( d == 1) == 1,
+ acs = find( prfl == max(prfl(Y(find(d==1)))) );
+ else
+ acs = Y([ min(find(d==1)); find( d == 1)+1 ]);
+ end;
+ rptupd(prnt,['* ' mfilename ': acs =']);
+ rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' %d', acs) );
+ rptupd(prnt,'\n');
+if ( isempty(dks) ),
+ %% determine which delta-k's to repair.
+ dks = [];
+ for cnt=max(d):-1:2,
+ if (sum( cnt == d ) > 0),
+ dks = [ cnt; dks ];
+ end;
+ end;
+% set the kernel spacings based on 'kernel' string
+nky = str2double(kernel(1));
+nkx = str2double(kernel(3:end)); % should be odd
+indx3 = ceil((0-nkx)/2) -1 + (1:nkx); % [-2:2];
+pattern = {};
+if ~isempty(N),
+ for cnt=1:length(N)
+ pattern{cnt} = N(cnt).pattern;
+ end;
+if isempty(pattern)
+%% foreach dk spacing
+for cnt=1:length(dks),
+ if ( dks(cnt) == 1 )
+ % for no acceleration, just specify the pattern
+ tmppat = repmat('*',[1 nky]);
+ for patcnt = 1:nky,
+ pattern{length(pattern)+1} = tmppat;
+ pattern{length(pattern)}(patcnt) = '<';
+ end;
+ for patcnt = 1:nky,
+ pattern{length(pattern)+1} = tmppat;
+ pattern{length(pattern)}(patcnt) = '>';
+ end;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ tmp = [ repmat([ '*' repmat('o',1,dks(cnt)-1) ],1,nky-1) '*' ];
+ z2 = strfind(tmp,'o');
+ if isempty(z2),
+ % pad with zeros, if the kernel is 1-by-N
+ tmp = [ 'o' tmp 'o' ];
+ z2 = strfind(tmp,'o');
+ end;
+ [tmp2,indx] = sort( abs(z2 - z2( floor(median(1:length(z2))) )) );
+ olength = length(pattern);
+ if (dualks == 1)
+ % for dual-kernels, we want to genereate coefficients for the sampled
+ % lines as well.
+ npat = 2*length(tmp);
+ else
+ npat = length(z2);
+ end
+ for cnt2 = 1:npat, % (dks(cnt)-1), %
+ if (dualks == 0 )
+ cnt3 = indx(cnt2);
+ pattern{length(pattern)+1} = tmp;
+ pattern{length(pattern)}(z2(cnt3)) = 'x';
+ else
+ cnt3 = mod( cnt2-1, length(tmp) ) + 1;
+ pattern{length(pattern)+1} = tmp;
+ if ( cnt2 <= npat/2 )
+ pattern{length(pattern)}( cnt3 ) = '<';
+ else
+ pattern{length(pattern)}( cnt3 ) = '>';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+% find the recon patterns we can use
+plist = cell(length(pattern),1);
+for cnt = 1:length(pattern),
+ v = extrapolate_pattern(pattern{cnt},nky);
+ % if cnt == 14, keyboard; end;
+ for cnt2 = 1:length(acs);
+ %% check if the GRAPPA pattern...
+ indx = acs(cnt2) + v;
+ %% can be accomodated by the sampling pattern
+ tmp = find( Y(:)*ones(1,length(indx)) == ones(length(Y),1)*indx );
+ if ( length(tmp) == length(indx) ),
+ plist{cnt} = [ plist{cnt} acs(cnt2) ];
+ end;
+ end;
+rptupd(prnt,['* ' mfilename ': sampling patterns in use = \n' ]);
+for cnt1=1:length(pattern);
+ rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' %s: %d acs lines =', pattern{cnt1}, length(plist{cnt1})) );
+ rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' %3d', plist{cnt1}) );
+ % for cnt2 = 1:length( plist{cnt1} ),
+ % rptupd(prnt,(' %s', pattern{plist{cnt1}} );
+ % % v = extrapolate_pattern(pattern{plist{cnt1}(cnt2)},nky);
+ % % norm(vec(Sk( acs(cnt1)+v, :, : )));
+ % end;
+ rptupd(prnt,'\n');
+if (length(plist) == 0),
+ error(['sorry, acquisition pattern is incompatible with available GRAPPA recon patterns']);
+st = clock; % tic;
+if verbose, rptupd(prnt,'\n'); end;
+mss = zeros( size(Sk,1), 1 ); % set the missing lines index vector
+mss(Y) = 1;
+if isempty(N),
+ % N = zeros( length(indx3)*nky*size(s,3),length(pattern),size(s,3));
+ rptupd(prnt,'calc recon param\n');
+ for cnt = 1:length(pattern),
+ v = extrapolate_pattern(pattern{cnt},nky);
+ %% and for each pattern ...
+ %% A2 = []; b2 = [];
+ %% A is data from the expanded input data matrix.
+ %% size(A) = [ kxnum * nacs, ncoils * nky * nkx ]
+ %%
+ %% in the matlab (and c-code) structure is:
+ %% for each element of indx3
+ %% coil 1 | coil 2 | coil 3 | ...
+ %% -3 -1 1 3 | -3 -1 1 3 | -3 -1 1 3 | ...
+ %% o o o o | o o o o | o o o o | ...
+ %% ^
+ %% ACS(1) xres|
+ %% v
+ %% ^
+ %% ACS(2) xres|
+ %% v
+ %% ^
+ %% ACS(3) xres|
+ %% v
+ %%
+ %% the older version of matlab code sorted the columns by
+ %%
+ %% | c1 c2 c3 ... | c1 c2 c3 ... | c1 c2 c3 ... | c1 c2 c3 ...
+ %% | -3 -3 -3 ... | -1 -1 -1 ... | 1 1 1 ... | 3 3 3 ...
+ %% | o o o ... | o o o ... | o o o ... | o o o ...
+ %%
+ %% the order is immaterial, as long at it is consistent...
+ %% UPDATE (12 Jan 2011): the order does matter for GROG, so we have
+ %% now changed it here so that the c-code and matlab code match.
+ %%
+ %% The old way to switch between the two was:
+ %% Accode(:, permute( reshape(1:size(Accode,2),YKS,Ncoils,XKS), [3 2 1]) ) == Amatlab
+ %% Accode = Amatlab(:, permute( reshape(1:size(Accode,2),XKS,Ncoils,YKS), [3 2 1]))
+ A = zeros( length(plist{cnt})*size(s,2), length(indx3)*nky*size(s,3) );
+ rptupd(prnt,sprintf('%3d %s: ', cnt, pattern{cnt}));
+ % v = extrapolate_pattern(pattern{cnt});
+ N(length(N)+1).pattern = pattern{cnt};
+ n = zeros( nky*size(s,3)*length(indx3),size(s,3));
+ for cnt2 = 1:length(plist{cnt}),
+ %% and ACS line ...
+ %% if the sampling pattern accomodates the GRAPPA pattern...
+ indx = plist{cnt}(cnt2) + v; % feedforward indices
+ % indx2 = plist{cnt}(cnt2) + f; % feedback indices
+ %% determine the k-space filling coefficients
+ for cnt3=1:length(indx3),
+ y0 = mod( indx3(cnt3) + [1:size(Sk,2)] , size(Sk,2) );
+ y0( y0 == 0 ) = size(Sk,2);
+ % generate a hybrid source matrix
+ if (dualks)
+ tmpSksub = zeros( size( Sk(indx,y0,:) ) );
+ if ( sum(pattern{cnt}=='<') ),
+ tmpSksub( 1:2:length(indx), :, : ) = kin{1}( indx(1:2:end),y0,: );
+ tmpSksub( 2:2:length(indx), :, : ) = kin{2}( indx(2:2:end),y0,: );
+% tmpSksub( (v < 0), :, : ) = kin{2}( indx( (v < 0) ),y0,: );
+% tmpSksub( (v >= 0), :, : ) = kin{3}( indx( (v >= 0) ),y0,: );
+ else
+ tmpSksub( 1:2:length(indx), :, : ) = kin{2}( indx(1:2:end),y0,: );
+ tmpSksub( 2:2:length(indx), :, : ) = kin{1}( indx(2:2:end),y0,: );
+% tmpSksub( (v >= 0), :, : ) = kin{2}( indx( (v >= 0) ),y0,: );
+% tmpSksub( (v < 0), :, : ) = kin{3}( indx( (v < 0) ),y0,: );
+ end
+ else
+ tmpSksub = Sk(indx,y0,:);
+ end;
+ % A( size(s,2)*(cnt2-1) + (1:size(s,2)), cnt3:length(indx3):size(A,2) ) = ...
+ A( size(s,2)*(cnt2-1) + (1:size(s,2)), (cnt3-1)*nky*ncoils + (1:nky*ncoils) ) = ...
+ reshape( permute( tmpSksub, [ 2 1 3 ]), size(Sk,2), size(Sk,3)*length(indx) );
+ end;
+ %% for an N-by-1 kernel, these next lines are enough...
+ % A2 = [ A2; ...
+ % reshape( permute(squeeze( Sk(indx,:,:) ),[ 2 3 1 ]), ...
+ % size(s,2), size(s,3)*length(indx) )
+ % ];
+ %
+ % b2 = [b2; squeeze( Sk( plist{cnt}(cnt2), :, l ) ).' ];
+ end;
+ % normalize, following to Algo 4.2 of M. Schneider, "GPGPU for Accelerated GRAPPA Autocalibration in
+ % Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Masters Thesis, U of Erlangen, Apr 2008
+ % A_bak = A;
+ p_src = sum(abs(A),2).^(-eta/2); % compute the power in each line of the linsys
+ A = tmult(A,diag(p_src),1); % normalize by the power in each linsys line
+ % Apinv = pinv(A);
+ % AA = A'*A;
+ AA = [A ]'*[A ];
+ At = [A ]';
+ clear b2;
+ for l=1:size(Sk,3),
+ rptupd(prnt,'.');
+ % A is the same for each coil ...
+ b = vec( squeeze(Sk( plist{cnt}, :, l )).' ); % for dual-kernel, this defaults
+ % to the target data
+ b = b.*p_src(:); % normalize by the power in each linsys line
+ b2(:,l) = b;
+ n(:,l) = A \ b;
+ if (verbose>2), pltcmplx( At'*n(:,l), b ); keyboard; end;
+ end;
+ b1 = b2;
+ N(length(N)).n = n;
+ rptupd(prnt,'\n');
+ end;
+rptupd(prnt,'recon missing lines\n');
+%% now go recon the missing lines of k-space:
+if (verbose); keyboard; end;
+kypts = 1:length(mss);
+kypts( 1:floor(length(mss)/2) ) = kypts( (floor(length(mss)/2)):-1:1 );
+linerpt = repmat(' ',1,length(mss));
+for kycnt=1:length(mss),
+ cnt2 = kypts(kycnt);
+ if verbose, rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' line %3d, from lines ',cnt2)); end;
+ if ( find( Y == cnt2) );
+ % rptupd(prnt,'*');
+ linerpt(cnt2) = '*';
+ if verbose, rptupd(prnt,'\n'); end;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ tmp = [];
+ %% determine which recon pattern we can use:
+ for cnt4 = 1:length(pattern),
+ v = extrapolate_pattern(pattern{cnt4},nky);
+ if ( (kycnt < length(mss)/2) && sum(find( pattern{cnt4} == '-')) ), continue, end;
+ if ( (kycnt > length(mss)/2) && sum(find( pattern{cnt4} == '+')) ), continue, end;
+ indx = cnt2 + v;
+ % indx2 = cnt2 + f;
+ % tmp = find( Y(:)*ones(1,length(indx)) == ones(length(Y),1)*indx );
+ % if ( ... % ( (min(indx) > 1) & (max(indx) < size(Sk,1)) ) & ...
+ % ( length(tmp) == length(indx) ) ),
+ % break; % jump out of the loop
+ % end;
+ if ( indx(1) < 1) | (indx(end) > size(Sk,1)); continue; end;
+ tmp = (mss( indx ) == ones(length(indx),1));
+ if ( sum(tmp) == length(tmp) ),
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ( ( (min(indx) < 1) | (max(indx) > size(Sk,1)) ) | ...
+ ( sum(tmp) ~= length(indx) ) ),
+ %
+ linerpt(cnt2) = 'o';
+ if verbose, rptupd(prnt,'o'); rptupd(prnt,'\n'); end;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ %% recon k-space line based on that pattern:
+ rsz = size(Sk,2);
+ A = zeros( rsz, length(indx3)*length(v)*size(s,3) );
+ B = []; % zeros( rsz, length(indx3)*length(f)*size(s,3) );
+ for cnt3=1:length(indx3),
+ y0 = mod( indx3(cnt3) + [(size(Sk,2)-rsz)/2+(1:rsz)] , size(Sk,2) );
+ y0( y0 == 0 ) = size(Sk,2);
+ A( (1:rsz), (cnt3-1)*nky*ncoils + (1:nky*ncoils) ) = ...
+ reshape( permute( Sk(indx,y0,:), [ 2 1 3 ]), ...
+ rsz, size(Sk,3)*length(indx) );
+ end;
+ if (verbose), % ( sum(Sk(Y(mss(cnt2))+1,:,l)) ~= 0 );
+ rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' %3d',[ indx(:) ]));
+ rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' (pattern: %s)', pattern{cnt4}) );
+ rptupd(prnt,'\n');
+ if (verbose>1),
+ figure(1); imagesc( log10(abs(Sk(:,:,1)) + 1e-1) ); pause(0.5);
+ keyboard;
+ end;
+ end;
+ linerpt(cnt2) = 'x';
+ for cnt3=1:length(N),
+ if strcmp( N(cnt3).pattern, pattern{cnt4} ),
+ break; % jump out of the loop
+ end;
+ end;
+ n = N(cnt3).n;
+ for l=1:size(Sk,3),
+ % for each coil ...
+ % if cnt2==109, keyboard; end;
+ % rptupd(prnt,(' line %3d, pattern %3d\n', cnt2, plist(cnt3) );
+ Sk( cnt2, :, l ) = [A B] * n(:,l);
+ end;
+ if (verbose>1), keyboard; end;
+rptupd(prnt,' \n');
+% Sk(1:2:size(Sk,1),:,:) = -Sk(1:2:size(Sk,1),:,:);
+% Sk(:,1:2:size(Sk,2),:) = -Sk(:,1:2:size(Sk,2),:);
+F = Sk;
+I = sqrt( sum(abs(ifft2(Sk)).^2,3) );
+I = I./(prod(size(I)));
+mask = 0;
+rpttime = etime(clock,st);
+rptupd(prnt,sprintf(' GRAPPA recon time: %g (avg per kernel: %g)\n', ...
+ rpttime, rpttime/length(pattern)) );
+function rptupd( prnt, str )
+if (prnt)
+ fprintf( str );
+function v = extrapolate_pattern(p,YKS)
+r = find( (p == 'x') | (p == '<') | (p == '>') );
+v = find( (p == '*') | (p == '<') | (p == '>') ) - r;
+if length(v)>YKS,
+ v = v( find( v~= 0 ) );